
Michigan Public Service Institute

Speakers Corner

We are very proud of the speakers that we bring to the Institute. From time to time, we receive inquiries from people that would like to pursue bringing institute speakers to their organizations for on-site or virtual classes.

Below is a list of speakers that are available for training. Feel free to reach out to them if you are interested in learning more about bringing them to your organization.

Please note that you will be on your own in terms of negotiating the arrangements with the speaker.

Lewis G. Bender, Ph.D. MPSI Facilitator and Instructor

Problem Employees
Generations in the Workplace
Achieving Team Excellence

Lewis G. Bender, Ph.D. MPSI Facilitator and Instructor

Problem Employees
Generations in the Workplace
Achieving Team Excellence

Steve Ludwig, Ludwig Speaks LLC

Leadership Skills
Effective Communication
Personal/Professional Ethics
Self-Care Strategies

Steve Ludwig, Ludwig Speaks LLC

Leadership Skills
Effective Communication
Personal/Professional Ethics
Self-Care Strategies

Doug Cartland, DCI

Doug Cartland, DCI

Randall "Randy" Dean, MBA The E-mail Sanity Expert ®

Time Management
Taming the Email Beast

Randall "Randy" Dean, MBA The E-mail Sanity Expert ®

Time Management
Taming the Email Beast

Christal L. Eason, PhD LMSW BSW CEO, CLE Strategic Solutions, LLC

Authentic Life Coaching and Counseling
Mental Illness in the Workplace

Christal L. Eason, PhD LMSW BSW CEO, CLE Strategic Solutions, LLC

Authentic Life Coaching and Counseling
Mental Illness in the Workplace

For You!

MPSI's Class Resources

We invite you to explore resources from the Michigan Public Service Institute!



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Brother set had private his letters observe outward resolve. Shutters ye marriage to throwing we as. Effect in if agreed he wished wanted admire expect.

Michigan Public Service Institute
Accountable to Self, Team,
Organization & Public Interest


Contact Mary Bender


Comfort Inn & Suites Hotel

2424 S. Mission St.

Mt. Pleasant, MI 48858


© 2024 Michigan Public Service Institute